How Much Time Should You Spend with Top Performers vs. Low Performers?

Many managers assume that their top performers don’t need much attention, but that’s far from the truth.

How Much Time Should You Spend with Top Performers vs. Low Performers?
Investing time and energy in your superstars is key to their continued success and growth. Photo by DocuSign.

You're a manager, and you're faced with the same question every leader asks at some point: How much time should I dedicate to each team member? The initial reaction might be to focus more on the lower-performing employees, thinking that your superstars can manage themselves. After all, they’re the ones who seem to have it all figured out, right?
In reality, many managers mistakenly assume that their top performers don’t need much management, or worse, that leaving them alone is the best way to keep them happy. But here's the truth: the high performers on your team deserve just as much—if not more—of your time and attention. If you want to retain and grow these superstars, you must be an engaged and committed leader who continually supports their growth.

Let’s explore why your top performers need a highly-engaged manager and how giving them the time and attention they deserve will not only boost their performance but also positively impact your entire team and organization.

Superstars Need Recognition and Engagement

In the modern workplace, the role of a manager has evolved. No longer just the person who assigns tasks and checks off lists, managers now serve as the link between employees and the company's broader goals. They advocate for their teams, ensure work-life balance, and open doors for growth and opportunity. For your top performers, the role of the manager is even more critical. They’re looking to you for guidance, support, and recognition.

Top performers aren't just coasting; they’re striving for more. They're hungry for challenges, constantly seeking new ways to grow and push the boundaries of their potential. This is where the manager comes in—not as a figure to be avoided, but as a partner in their journey to success.

When managers neglect their top performers, it sends a dangerous signal: You're fine as you are. There's nothing more for you to achieve here. For high achievers, this lack of attention can feel like a career dead-end. If they’re not being challenged, recognized, or developed, they’ll look elsewhere for opportunities that provide that fulfillment.

As a manager, your role is to help them recognize the value they bring to the team and give them the tools and support to keep growing. Don’t make the mistake of assuming they don’t need you—show them that you're invested in their continued success.

Time and Attention Equals Retention

One of the most common misconceptions in management is that top performers don’t need much hand-holding. After all, they’re the ones delivering results, right? But top performers crave recognition and development just as much as anyone else—if not more.

Think about it: your best employees are driven by success. They thrive on feedback and challenge. If they’re left to fend for themselves, they’ll quickly grow disengaged, feeling like they’ve hit a ceiling in their current role. And when a superstar feels underappreciated or unchallenged, they will start exploring other opportunities where their contributions are recognized and rewarded.

Studies show that employees who feel their managers are invested in their success are more likely to stay with the company long-term. They’re also more engaged and motivated, leading to better results for both them and the company. Investing time in your high performers isn’t just about keeping them happy—it’s about retaining top talent and keeping your team strong.

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Superstars Aren’t Looking to Be Left Alone

There’s an old-school mentality in some workplaces that suggests the best way to advance in your career is to “lie low” and avoid making waves. But today’s workplace doesn’t work that way, especially not for top performers. These employees know that the path to growth involves visibility, engagement, and active involvement with their managers.

A top performer who doesn’t have regular check-ins with their manager will quickly feel neglected and unimportant. And the truth is, they probably are important—very important. If your best employees don’t feel like they’re receiving meaningful attention from you, they’ll start to question whether they’re valued at all. Being ignored or left alone sends a clear message: Your success doesn’t matter here.

On the other hand, regular, focused one-on-one meetings with top performers can provide them with the recognition, feedback, and opportunities they need to keep excelling. Quality time with their manager is more than a box to check off—it’s a critical part of their growth and career trajectory.

The Cost of Underestimating Your Top Performers

Many managers fall into the trap of believing their top performers are so capable that there’s little they can do to help them improve. But this mindset is a missed opportunity. Even the best of the best have room to grow, and as their manager, it’s your responsibility to help them realize their potential.

Strong managers understand that continuous development is key, not just for lower performers but for everyone on the team. By regularly meeting with your high achievers, you send a message that their growth is important, no matter how successful they already are. You create an environment where learning and improvement are always on the agenda, and you demonstrate that you’re committed to their long-term success.

If you don’t provide the leadership they need, they’ll go find it elsewhere.

Building Stronger Teams Through Active Management

Investing time in your top performers doesn’t just benefit them—it benefits your entire team. When your superstars feel supported and challenged, they set a positive example for others to follow. Their energy and drive can inspire other team members to step up their game, leading to an overall boost in productivity and performance.

Moreover, when you engage with all members of your team—top performers included—you create a culture of continuous improvement. Everyone sees that growth is always possible and that you, as the manager, are there to help them achieve it. This level of engagement builds trust, improves morale, and ultimately leads to a stronger, more cohesive team.

Final Thoughts: Great Leaders Invest in Their Best

The idea that top performers don’t need much management is one of the biggest myths in leadership. In reality, your superstars are the ones most likely to seek feedback, crave development, and expect recognition for their contributions. By investing time and energy into your best people, you’re not only keeping them engaged—you’re helping them reach new heights.

So, the next time you’re deciding where to spend your management time, remember this: your top performers need you just as much as anyone else. And if you don’t give them the attention they deserve, someone else will.

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